How long does it need to deliver the order?

Within a maximum period of 10 to 15 working days.

Are the products top quality?

Yes. All brands available on the store are top and best quality and are shipped directly from the brands and official supplier.

Can I return the order?

Yes, you can return the order Provided that the terms and conditions apply.

What will happen to the shipment if I am not at home?

DHL Express will deliver the shipment to your doorstep 3 times until you receive it. If they cannot reach you, they will place the shipment at a nearby pickup point and leave a notification for you to go and pick it up yourself.

How are all these brands imported?

We deal with various suppliers to source these brands directly for our store, so we ship the products directly to customers in all Gulf countries.

Does the product price include shipping and tax?

You will only pay for the item's price, and rest assured there are no additional costs incurred when shopping with us.

What are the shipping costs?
How is my order shipped?
How can I track my shipment?
Do you deliver all over the world?
When is an order eligible for return?
Who pays for the return shipping?
What are the available payment methods?
Are the payment methods safe?
How to contact the support team to ask a question?
Does Vougedemoi have a physical store?

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