Returns & Refunds

Can I return the order?

Yes, you can return the order Provided that the terms and conditions apply.

When is an order eligible for return?

Please refer to the exchange and return policy.

How is it ensured that the order is returnable?

Keep the item in its original condition, ensure the packaging is still good, and the items haven't been used in any way. Terms and conditions apply.

How to return the order?

Send us an email by filling out the form on the page, and our team will reply to you within a very short period, not exceeding one day, to organize the process of receiving the order from you via DHL Express. Terms and conditions apply.

Who pays for the return shipping?

Unfortunately, our shipping policy covers only the shipping cost to send you the item. therefore, you would have to pay the return shipping costs. We only bear the return costs if the item is incorrect, which rarely happens.

When will I be refunded for the order?

After we make sure that the order is in an excellent condition, we will send the amount via the payment method you used during the purchase (Please note that a return or cancellation fee of 5% of the invoice value will be applicable).

If you have already covered the return shipping cost, we would refund the full amount.

If you haven't covered the return shipping cost, a fee of 100 riyals will be deducted as the cost of returning the order.

Refunds may take anywhere from 1 to 14 business days to be processed and reflected in your account.

How are returned products handled?

Return Terms and Conditions:

  1. Return Period: You can return products within 7 days from the date of receiving the order.
    (Accessories, including watches, cannot be exchanged or returned under any circumstances.)
  2. Return Discount: A 40% deduction from the order value will be applied upon return after verifying the product condition.

Return Procedures:

  1. Video Recording: A clear video showing all shipment and product details must be recorded.
  2. Video Inspection: The video will be inspected by the specialized team, and if the shipment and product are confirmed to match, the shipping address will be sent to the customer.
  3. Product Inspection: Upon receiving the shipment, the specialized team will inspect the product.
  4. Product Matching: If the product sent to us matches the product shipped to you, the return terms and conditions will be applied.
  5. Non-Matching Product: If the product does not match, the order will be returned to the customer's address and placed on the blacklist.

We appreciate your understanding and adherence to our terms to ensure excellent service for all our customers.

Can I exchange products?

Currently, we do not offer a product exchange option. If you wish to exchange a product, you can follow the return process and then place a new order for the replacement product.

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